
텔아비브항 공공공간 재개발(Tel Aviv Port Public Space Regeneration)
  • (www.mkarchitects.com)
  • 환경과조경 2011년 2월

Rosa Barba European Landscape Prize 2010 수상작

이스라엘의 가장 아름다운 해안가 중의 한 곳에 위치한 텔아비브항은 애초에 사용하던 항만도킹장이 가동을 멈춘 1965년 이후 방치된 채 어려움을 겪어왔다.
최근 완공된 이 공공공간 프로젝트를 통해 Mayslits Kassif Architects는 이 도시의 독특한 경관을 복원시키고, 이를 가시성 있고 경쾌한 느낌의 도심 랜드마크로 변모시켰다.

건축가들은 이 프로젝트를 민간개발과 공공개발 사이에 흔히 발생하는 차이를 실험하고 공동의 오픈 스페이스를 위한 새로운 화두를 던져주는 특별한 프로젝트로 여겼다.
Galia Yavin과 공동 작업한 Mayslits Kassif Architects가 2003년에 공모하여 당선된 이 프로젝트의 계획안은 새로운 관리프로그램과 더불어 프로젝트가 완성되기도 전에 몰려드는 지역주민 및 관광객으로 인해 빠르게 활기를 찾아갔다.

설계안은 대규모의 너울 형태와 위계가 없는 외관을 보여주고 있다. 이는 항만이었던 곳에 신화에 나오는 사구를 투영하며 자유로운 해석과 비조직적인 행태를 개방적으로 이끌어내는 역할을 한다.
자발적인 집회부터 예술적인 시도들, 공동의 연대활동에 이르기까지 다양한 공공적이고 사회적인 활동들은 이 독특한 도시기반 위에서 이루어지고 있다. 이러한 행태들은 활발한 공공영역으로서의 항구라는 또 다른 모습을 보여줌으로써 프로젝트의 성공의 지표가 되고 있다.

Architects _ Mayslits Kassif Architects
Design Team _ Ganit Mayslits Kassif, Udi Kassif, Oren Ben Avraham, Galila Yavin, Michal Ilan and Maor Roytman
Collaborators _ Avinoam Horowitz(Project Management), Hila Ben Navat(Graphic Designer)
Construction _ Green Sky.ltd
Client _ Marine Trust Ltd./ Eliakim Architects(Port Architect)
Location _ Tel Aviv, Israel
Area _ 55,000㎡

Situated on one of Israel’s most breathtaking waterfronts, the Tel Aviv Port was plagued with neglect since 1965, when its primary use as an operational docking port was abandoned. The recently completed public space development project by Mayslits Kassif Architects, managed to restore this unique part of the city, and turn it into a prominent, vivacious urban landmark.

The architects viewed the project as a unique opportunity to construct a public space which challenges the common contrast between private and public development, and suggests a new agenda of hospitality for collective open spaces. The design, a winner of an open competition held in 2003 (entry submitted by Mayslits Kassif Architects in collaboration with Galila Yavin) was quickly brought to life by a new management, with locals and visitors flocking to the revamped port even before the project was completed.
Remarkably, despite city planning being dominated by market forces, and because of its immense popularity among the public, the project has been able to circumvent massive development schemes intended for the port’s 5 hectares area. The suspension of all the area’s rezoning plans set a precedent for creating an urban transformation not propelled by building rights, but rather by a unique design strategy, which renovates the existing hangars and invests in the public space regeneration.

The design introduces an extensive undulating, non-hierarchical surface, that acts both as a reflection of the mythological dunes on which the port was built, and as an open invitation to free interpretations and unstructured activities. Various public and social initiatives ? from spontaneous rallies to artistic endeavors and public acts of solidarity ? are now drawn to this unique urban platform, indicating the project’s success in reinventing the port as a vibrant public sphere.
Nowadays when approximately 2.5 million people visit the Tel Aviv Porte very year?a record number for a metropolitan area spanning 1 million residents, in a country of 7 million ? the port’s public spaces renewal is considered one of the most influential project of its kind in Tel Aviv. Alongside receiving international recognition and several prestigious architectural awards, such as the Rosa Barba European Landscape Prize for 2010, it receives great affection from the public and is ranked as the most beloved recreation space by the inhabitants of Tel Aviv’s metropolitan area. Being a new urban landmark which revives the city’s waterfront, the project became a trigger for a series of public space projects along Tel Aviv’s shoreline which altogether revolutionize the city’s connection to its waterfront.

월간 환경과조경, 무단전재 및 재배포를 금지합니다.
